Thursday, February 18, 2010

Family of Families

The Bible calls the Church - the household of God (Eph 2:19, 1 Tim 3:15 Gal 6:10 Heb 3:6) and much of our understanding of our relationships in this household are family terms, Father, Son, Brothers, Sisters, Children. We must then consider how to live in such relationships.

What confronts me in 1 Tim 3 :15 - is that it discribes this house as being the 'foundation and pillar of truth' and elswhere the Bible talks about the church as abuilding whose architec and builder is God and even more this house is the dwelling place of the living God. So if we are to to be the expression of God to the world, if we are to be proclaimers and protectors of the truth then I would like to be the Church Family that God wants us to be.

This family is to be one where there are relationships of love, mercy, grace, forgiveness, gentleness, paitence, self control, joy, service - imagine a family where these things were lived out every day. Imagine people having a supernatural experiance of these attributes in our family at Wantirna?

Let us work hard at being the household of God - His dwelling place.
How will you do that this week???

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