Monday, September 13, 2010

Self Control

Here are some hints on how to keep in step with the Holy Spirit in regard to self control. Remember that we can't produce the fruit ourselves
Remain in Christ and Fruit Happens!!!

I will PRAY PRAY PRAY PRAY -   Cry out to God to make you more self controlled
                 He is loving and will give to those who ask!!!
I will not act impulsively
I will not equate desires with rights
I will set my own limits
I will see anger as a sign when something is wrong
I will walk away from things that are not right

Friday, September 10, 2010

Faith & Doubt

As I reflect on the fruit of faithfulness in my life I more and more feel like the the man in Mark 9 who cries out - "I do belive, help me overcome my unbelief"
Day in day out is my test to opt - for God and not opt out.
Each day the world seeks to errode my faith 
But the more I doubt - the more search out my doubt  - the more I am thrown back into the loving arms of a wonderful creator, a gracious father, and a loving shepherd.

Holy Spirit come and fill me with faith - help me to produce firut of faithfulness.

Today - I choose to Remain in Him - As he has promised that He is ever faithful

Monday, August 30, 2010

Give Give Give

Give abundantly. Feel that you are rich. Have no mean thought in your heart.
Of love, of thought, of all you have, give, give, give.
You are followers of the World's Greatest Giver.
Give of time,
Give of personal ease and comfort
       of rest...
             of fame...
                of healing....
                   of power....
                     of sympathy.....
                       of all these and more.
Learn this lesson and you will become a great power to help others to do mighty things.

God Calling Aug 30th

Friday, August 27, 2010

Time Out

Isaiah 30:15 says:
In repentance and rest is your salvation
in quietness and trust is your strength
but you would have none of it!

The first two lines are nice and the last one has a sting to it.   Part of Remaining in Jesus - is to take time out with him.

Today where will you find a place of rest and quietness -   so that you may see salvation and strength?

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Jeremiah 24 is a prophecy about the people of Isreal bearing fruit. God gives Jeremiah a picture of some figs - some really good others really bad. The prophecy over the good figs is this

"My eyes will watch over them for their good, and I will bring them back to this land. I will build them up and not tear them down; I will plant them and not uproot them. I will give them a heart to know me, that Iam the Lord. They will be my people and I will be thier God, for they will return to me with all my heart"

I think these are amazing words of hope and blessing for people who are about to face the toughest 70 years of their lives in exile - basically slaves in another conuntry.

To the bad figs -  they will be cut of and banished from God's blessing - they would in fact be cursed.

As I read this passage I was trying to work out what the difference betwent he two types of figs. All I can see is the good figs are the ones who REMAINED with God, they kept their faith and kept turing to him and trusting Him. Thet had the active and living relationship with God.  Those that went bad, drifted away from God - loved the world around them became self centred and tried trusting in other gods. They went their own way.

Again in this passage we see it is God who works the fruit in his peoples hearts - God is the one doing all the work - the people are called to KEEP IN STEP with his work. To stay close and listen and obey.

It dosn't mean that the good figs were perfect - they two stuggled with the sin of the world and self - but they kept connected - returning, repenting and seeking to follow their God.


Monday, August 16, 2010

Remain in Me & Paitence Happens!!

Cummune with God this week  -  Remain with him - do nothing with out him

Some verses to remind us of God's patience with us and to us:

2 Peter 3:15   Bear in mind that our Lord's patience means salvation,
1 Timothy 1:16  Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into this world to save sinners – of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life.

NEH 9:17 But you are a forgiving God, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love. Therefore you did not desert them

If we remain connected with Jesus and His spirit lives in us and we keep in step with his spirit - His patience will flow out of us:

I have chosen you to go and bear fruit!!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Stay Close

Reading through Jeremiah at the moment the thing that strikes me is how often the people of Israel forgot God. As they forgot God they drifted off and went of in their own ways into a world of idolitory.

The shepherd and sheep picture is so prevalent in the Bible. There is this sense from this picture that God says to his people  "stay close lest you stray" The 60/30 challenge is a way of staying close.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Fruit Happens - Remain in me

Jesus Said, "I'am the vine - you are the branches. If you remain in me - you will bear fruit" John 15

The Fruit of the Spirit is Love Joy Peace Paitence Kindness Goodness Faithfulness Gentleness and Self Control

If we stay connected with Jesus and the Holy Spirit  -  Fruit Happens!!
But we also remember Jesus words - "Apart from me you can do nothing!"
In Mathew 7 Jesus also talks about a tree bearing fruit with quite starteling comments (have a read!!).
He alludes to people being able to do all sorts of amazing things - prophecy, miracles, drive out deamons - and still not be connected to Him!!  Braches that maybe looking great - but not actually producing the fruit that God wants - because they are remaining with either themselves, or the world or evil rather than remaining in an intimate love relationship with Jesus Christ.

As we do this 60/30 challenge  - it's not about doing more stuff. Its about growing closer to God. Staying connected in a living relationship with Jesus 24/7. Talking, listening and obeying over and over and over again.  Walk and talk with your savior

Monday, July 26, 2010

Gifted to GO or STAY

As we work our way through the book of Acts we see a church where God has gifted some to Go out and be missionaries and plant churches and preach the gospel in new places. But there ar also others (probably more of these people) who have been gifted to stay. People who live life in their local church and they, encourage, give, pray, administrate, be hospitable... 

Often its the people with the upfront or highly visible gifts that seem to be put in the spot light. Thats why I love reading Romans 16 and seeing all the unkown people who are helping Paul with his mission to the gentiles and church planting.

This is wher we see the truth of ephesians 4 and 1 Cor 12 and how the church opperates as a body. With some highly visible parts and others unseen - but we must all work together to see the continued growth of the church.

How has God gifted you and where is he calling you to serve?  Pray this week that he would reveal these things to you.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

God's Words in and out of us

I will put my words in his mouth he will tell everything I command him
Duet 18
 I will pour out my spirit on all my people
Your sons and daughters will prophesy
Young men will see visions
Old men will dream dreams
Even on my servants both men and women I will pour out my spirit in those days and they will prophesy.
Acts 2:18

God continues to speak - Primarily through the Bible - but also through us as God's spirit works in and through us to reveal his truth. Jesus says to his disciples in John 16

But when he the spirit of truth comes, he will guide you in all truth. He will not speak on His own, he will only speak what he hears and He will tell you what is yet to come.

As the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit I too belive that God can reveal his truth through us. It never goes beyond scripture but can powerfully speak to the lives of people. The gift of prophecy is still active today in the life of the church, let us continue to be the chanell for God to speak.
Ask him today who you are to build up and encourage
Who do you need to send a bible verse too today - Ask God who and what?  and then have faith to act.
Remember the context of the use of any gift is love -  This is not about you  - It's from God for others!!
Follow the way of love and eagerly desire spiritual gifts, especially the gift of prophecy. 1 Cor 14:1

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Spiritual Gifts

"Now about Spiritual Gifts I do not want you to be ignorant"
"Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good"
"Now you are the body and each one of you is part of it"
"Eagerly desire the greater gifts"

Here are four verses from 1 Corinthians 12 - Paul is pretty clear we are not ignor the gifts but actually pursue them, everyone has one or more and that they are for the good of the church.
Do you know what your gifts are?  Do they come and go?
The more I read and explore on spiritual gifts the greater the mystery becomes...
Is that just me - or is it God?   Is there a difference between natural talent and skills and gifts? are they for all times in all places? are some more important than others?

This month as we continue to explore the Holy Spirit in and out of us - will you we willing to find out more about gifts - in particular what you may be gifted with?  Network's course are being run in most small groups and even if you are not in a SG we a running a class on Tuesday nights - why not join us!!

Have aread through 1 Corinthians 12-14 
Please be in prayer for the church as we seek God on this and ask for his gifts to be poured out on His church.
Be in personal prayer - learn more, desire more - and use them more - 

That means serve with them -  ie they aer not for you - They are for the good of the church!!!
What good is coming to the church because you are using your gifts??


Friday, June 18, 2010

Holy Spirit - a mystery

What does the Spirit Do? His works are ineffable in majesty and innumeral in quantitiy. How can we even ponder what extends beyond the ages? What did He do before creation began? How great are the graces He showered on creation? What power will He weild in the age to Come? He existed; He preexisted; He coexiste with the father and the son before the ages. Even if you can imagine anything beyond the ages, you will discover that the Spirit is even further beyond"  St Basil

The more I read about, speak about, experioance the Holy Spirits work the more I realise I can not comprehend God. There are just more questions? more mysteries? more wonder as I discover His otherness.

This being said I desire to know Him more, I long for him to transform me more, I desire for His gifts to be manifest more, I groan for his peace, I long for His power. God - Holy Spirit work through me for the glory of your name!!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Who is the Holy Spirit?

I am currently reading a book called "Forgotten God" which looks at the evengelical church's neglect of the Holy Spirit. The other side of the coin is that there has been elements of thechurch which have over emphasised the Holy Spirit, where He is almost treated as a seperate force from the trinity.

As we begin our sub theme of  "The Holy Spirit in and out of us" first we will begin with some of the basics:

The Hieldeberg Chatechism has this Q&A:
What do you believe concerning the holy spirit?
First that He as well as the Father and the Son is eternal God.
Second He has been given to me personally so that, by true faith, He makes me share in Christ and all his blessings, comforts me and remains with me forever.

From sunday we remember that The Holy spirit is God, He is a person (not an impersonal force) and is our counselor (the voice beside).

As we coinsider the Holy Spirit in light of the Trinity we understand that The creator of the Universe, the Almighty God - loves us enought to live within us - and allow us to have a personal relationship with him. That through Jesus we now become the dwelling place of God. So we may know him better

Will you speak & listen with the Spirit this week?
Will you worship God as trinity this week?
Do you have confidence?

Have a read tof Romans 8:1-17 for a glimps of what life with throughthe Spirit should look like.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

What Should Church Look Like

As we read through the book of Acts can we look through these 3 glasses to see what the church should look like:    The Bible, History & Culture
As we use these three lenses it will help us keep a balanced view of the church.
What are some of the Major things that the early church focused on:
Community / care
Leadership / giftedness
Witnessing / preaching/ missions
Discipling / Nurture

How are you keeping these things central in your life?
Are there any minors that are getting in the way of the majors?

Friday, May 21, 2010

The Church is Alive

In the first 300 years the early church spread across the known world in an amazing way. The Holy Spirit fills the lives of people and as they start meet together in little communities around the world and live lives like Jesus and tell out his story

Christianity did not grow because of miracle working in the market place(although there may have been much of that going on), or because Consantine said it should, or even because martyrs gave it such credibility. It grew because Christians constituted an intense community....and the primary means of its growth was through the united and motivate efforts of the growing number of Christian believers, who invited their friends, relatives and neighbours to share the “good news”  (Rise of Christianity, Stark.)

On Sunday we will look at what this means for us today.

Church Alive Live Church

We are back on line. Our live the word Blog is up and running again.
Last week we launched our new church theme  CHURCH ALIVE  - LIVE CHURCH

We saw that as Jesus ascended to heaven and left his disciples, He was very much still alive in the life of His church as the Holy Spirit came to dwell in His followers.
The Church through the book of Acts is seen as an almost unstoppable force, infiltrating all areas of the known world. Its a bit like a humungus fungus. The biggest living thing in the world!! (you had to be there)
Jesus - his life, death, ressurection and ascenssion, remain the central focus of the church community as it begins to expand out into the world. The church has expanded in to all areas of the known world within the next 300 years.
How does this happen?   It happens as the individual parts of the body Live out their Church lives. Living the 'Jesus life' his people spread through out the world bringing good news and forming transformational communities.

How are each of us keeping Jesus at the centre of our lives?  Are we speaking about him, living like him and continuing the growth of his body?

"for a period of 40 days he gave many convincing proofs that he was Alive"  Not long into the book of Acts we hear people gathering to hear Jesus words, people are being healed, miracles are happening, people are gathering together, the disciples are having conflict withthe Pharisees -  IT'S LIKE JESUS IS STILL ALIVE.  And as Acts unfolds - Jesus is Alive - through his holy spirit - in the life of His church.

Is the chuch alive in you?  Are you living out church?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Easter is here

Easter is on our door steps again for another year. Have you been thinking about it. We are in the time of Lent - which is a 40 day period that remembers the 40 days Jesus fasted in the desert.  People have traditionally fasted during this time in preperation for Easter - the crucial point in the christina calendar.

How are you preparing for easter this year? Are you going to go without something to help you focus on Jesus and his death and ressurection.

In the hustle and bust of the begining of the year - let us now plan to take some time out to focus on Easter.
Why not set a target to read through the different gospel accounts of the easter story. Take some time out to reflect and meditate on these truths.

"finally the disciple who reached the tomb first, also went inside. He saw and believed"  John 20:8

Friday, March 12, 2010

Family Fun

The Wesminster Shorter Chatechisim asks the question "what is the chief end of man?"  and answers, "To glorify God and enjoy Him forever"  

So I have been thinking about that lately - How do I enjoy God in my family? When families work well - they are so enjoyable to be part of.  As a father I continue to ask myself the question of what am I doing to make my family an enjoyable place to be? Is our home characterised by joy, fun and laughter? Is it a place where my children and wife want to be?

What activities or spaces are we creating to have us enjoy eachother and enjoy God together?  For us getting out into nature is one of those places - familiy holidays, where we get away from the routine and enjoy the wonder of creation together.  Playing sport has been another of those - backyard cricket, basketball, tennis are all places where we can enjoy life - recognising who has made it all possible.

Sometimes I think as christian families we can be all a bit serious. Glorifying God in our enjoyment of life as families is an interesting concept to graple with?   How is your family doing this?

Do you enjoy reading and praying together - or is it seen as a drag??   
Do you enjoy church togehter?    Do you talk about it discuss it before, after, during?
Do you enjoy family time together?     Do you invite others in to be part of it?

Remember - "Your family displays God to the world" - how is it Glorifying God??

Friday, March 5, 2010

Life In the family

I am writing you these instructions so that if I am delayed you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God’s household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of truth.      1 Tim 3:14-14

As Paul writes his two letters to Timothy he spells out how people should live in the household of God.
As you read through these two letters I think 3 things become evident:

     1.   Living in the church means protecting the truth of the Gospel of Christ Jesus
     2.   Living in the church means that family units are vitally important
     3.   Living in the church means living a holy and godly life.

Why not have a read through these letters to Timothy and reflect on how you have been living in the Family of Families compared to what Paul instructs Timothy.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Joining the Fam

How do you become a child  in a family? Well you are either born into it or adoptend into it!  When Jesus talks with Nicodeamus in John 3 he tells him that he needs to be born again. This was to one who knew himself to be an apoted son of God - through the promise made to Abraham and the nation of Israel. Jesus says a that just being part of the family of Israel was not enough - he need to be spiritually born again. Born of the spirit of God that comes through a faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and savior.

Are you part of Christs family?  Have a read of John 3 to find out how
Read vs 16 in particular......

This week at WCCC we will witness people become members of the family, some by professing their faith others by signing the partnership covenant why not join us in this celebration.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Family of Families

The Bible calls the Church - the household of God (Eph 2:19, 1 Tim 3:15 Gal 6:10 Heb 3:6) and much of our understanding of our relationships in this household are family terms, Father, Son, Brothers, Sisters, Children. We must then consider how to live in such relationships.

What confronts me in 1 Tim 3 :15 - is that it discribes this house as being the 'foundation and pillar of truth' and elswhere the Bible talks about the church as abuilding whose architec and builder is God and even more this house is the dwelling place of the living God. So if we are to to be the expression of God to the world, if we are to be proclaimers and protectors of the truth then I would like to be the Church Family that God wants us to be.

This family is to be one where there are relationships of love, mercy, grace, forgiveness, gentleness, paitence, self control, joy, service - imagine a family where these things were lived out every day. Imagine people having a supernatural experiance of these attributes in our family at Wantirna?

Let us work hard at being the household of God - His dwelling place.
How will you do that this week???

Monday, February 15, 2010

God Life

A couple of weeks ago we asked the question of whether our lives reflected the enorimity of what has happened to us through Jesus Christ?  Have you had time to reflect and consider your salvation?  that once you were dead - and dow you have life, once you were lost but now are found, once blind but now can see.
If you haven't yet take some time this week to think about when you were saved - what was it about it that made you want to follow Jesus -     can you recollect the change of life style?

The God Life:

Be clear minded so you can pray
Love each other deeply
Offer Hospitality
Use your gifts
Speak as if you were speaking God words
Serve - In God's strength

Why? so that your God life may bring glory to your savior 

-  Have a read of 1 Peter 4:1-11 again

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Test of Leadership

In Nehemiah 7 Hananiah is appointed to govern Jerusalem. The quality that set him apart was his proven character; "he was a man of integrity and feared God more than most men do."
By revealing the reason for his choice Nehemiah reveals the qualities of a godly leader. These qualities are still essential for us as a church as we think about the people we chose as leaders, and the leaders into which we ourselves are developing.

Hananiah's appointment was based on more than skill (although he had proven ability as a "commander of the citadel.") Hananiah was chosen mainly for his outstanding spiritual qualities. No matter how qualified or gifted a person is in their chosen field, their spiritual capacity should be seen as paramount to their leadership in the body. The abilities evident in Spiritual gifts may be related to natural talents, but the way they are applied for the good of the body sets them apart from worldly talents. Leaders need Spiritual discernment and spiritual principles to govern their leadership, such as leading by serving, rather than leading by dominating (Matt.20:25-28).

It was clear that he was more than a novice, because he had proven faithfulness (integrity.) Sometimes we choose leaders who are unproven, or untested. It is a strange thing to consider people for leadership because 'they are not doing much,' or 'haven't yet had a go' and to disqualify capable men because they are already busy and already leading. Leaders in the church ought to be those who are engaged, active and have a proven track record of leadership.

Finally, his spiritual qualities stood out, 'more than most men.' The church ought to choose its best men as leaders.
I don't believe these qualities came about by accident. They are God's grace and can be developed through consistent and dedicated spiritual disciplines, mutual accountability and faithful service over time.
May God grant many such leaders to his church today and in the future.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Getting of Wisdom

When the road ahead gets difficult our own fears and ideas gain strength. Things like, "I must have done something bad to deserve this." Or, "God doesn't care about me," add to our stress and deepen the darkness.
Rather, what we need is a firm grasp on God's will. For example, James says, "... you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything (1:4)."
Also, to be humble is to be blessed, and perseverance though trial will be rewarded (James.1:9-12.)

In other words, in trials, more than anything else, we need God's precious wisdom to govern our thoughts, attitudes and actions.Yet it is the very thing that alludes us.
Fortunately God is ready to give, if we are ready to receive.
"If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, James 1:5-6
In trial pray for insight and the ability to accept God's work in your life. Pray with confident trust and readiness to keep walking in faith and doing what he wants you to do.
Keep praying till his word governs your thoughts and enables you to rejoice in what he is doing even though you may experience grief in trial for a short time.

Monday, January 18, 2010

"I can do all things through Him who gives me strength"

"I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength" Phillipians 4:12-13

As we think about perservering through trials I think we can learn from Paul as he draws us to the point of being content - a sense of having peace - no matter what our situation is. As followers of Jesus that contentment can only truly come from a faith in our heavenly father  who knows what is best for us. We must find contentment in his promises - that he will never leave us of forsake us, that he will lead us through tough times, that he has give us an example to follow in His son Jesus christ, that he has promised that he will hear and answer our prayers and ultimately there is a promise of a future where there will be no mor pain, suffering or trials.
Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, let us strengthen our father as we battle through life in a broken world.

Let us not give up hope - but live in contentment that comes through the victory of Christ on the cross

Friday, January 15, 2010

God with us in our trials

"the Lord your God led you into desert these fourty years to humble you and test you" Duet 8:2
But did He leave them alone?  No he went with them! He fed them, he interveened supernaturally he strengthened them & God told them as they were going through this time "the Lord your God disciplines you"vs 5
Hebrews 12 reminds us that 'God disciplines those he loves'
Hebrews 12:7 - Says endure hardship as discipline..

The God who loves us is right there with us Leading, guiding, equiping and empowering us through the hard times that he has led us into.
In trials we also reminded of other promises of God...
Phillipians 4:13 " I can do all things through Him who gives me strength"
2 Corinthians 12:9 "My power is made perfect in weakness"
The fianl promise is one of the best,  "he who has stood the test will recieve a crown of life that God has promised to those who love him."
There will be a time where pain and suffering will be no more - Let us cling the hope that God is with us - in the midst of our trials.
James 5:7 "be patient then until the Lord's coming."

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Trials & God

" the blessed controller of all things, the king over all kings and the master of all masters" 1 Tim 6:15
"Do any of the worthless idols of the nations bring rain? Do the skies themselves send down showers? NO it is you, O Lord our God. Therefore our hope is in you, for you are the one who does all this." Jer 14:22
Remember how the Lord your God led you into the humble you and test you in order to know what is in your heart....he humbled you causing you to hunger and then feeding you with teach you that man does not live on bread alone" Deut 8:2-3

God is in control of all things - This is known as the sovereignty of God. Everything is controled by God.
How then do we handle the trials and hardship that come our way? The Bible is clear that at times God brings testing to his people - allowing them to suffer hardship and pain. Does this mean that God is not Good?  Certainly not - In God's soveriegnty he knows what is for the good of his people and the glory of his name. Though we don't (and can't) fully understand it from our perspective. We need to try and accept and trust that from God's perspective trials are for our growth.

Nearly all christians that I speak to testify how they have grown through times of trial and suffering. People testify to a richer, deeper truer relationship to God because of them. They testify to the love of God, his grace, his mercy his goodness - even after suffering what seem to be the most excrutiating of situations. So as we prepare for trials can we have a different perspective - Not one of dispair But rather one of hope and trust.

When I am afraid I will trust in you. In God whose Word I praise, in God I trust, I will not be afraid..." Ps 56