Tuesday, September 8, 2009

60/30 Challenge is under way!!

At Reverb on sunday we have issued the 60/30 challenge as away of getting us to Remain in Jesus. (John 15)
How does it work?
For the next month (30 days) we have issued WCCC and anyone else who wants to join in,  the challenge of connecting with God every 60 minutes.

We have asked people to set watches, phones, computers ect to beep every hour (except when you're asleep). Or write down 60/30 challenge reminders in your diary, stick them in your car, shower, workspace....

Then when the beep goes off or you see a riminder connect with God.

On sunday we said that the way we stay connected with somone is to Talk with them, to listen to them and you just keep doing that. So when the beeper goes of - Talk with God - Listen to God  -  and here is the big challenge - Do what he asks!!!

Things to do when the reminder is there:
     thank God for the last Hour,  Ask him to guide you in the next hour, 
     Ask Him what he want's you to do?
     ask your self - is this where I should be?  What do I need to stop?
     pray for somone, call somone, read the bible, send somone a verse,
     enjoy God in exactly what you are doing at that moment, take a time out and walk with God....
              why not share some other suggestions.......

In John 14 & 16 Jesus tells his disciples if they remain in him the Holy Spirit will come and tell them things, remind them of things, convict them of things & give them insight.
This next 30 days as you remain in him - listen for the spirits promptings - and act on them!!
    As we remain in Him  FRUIT HAPPENS!!!

Feel free to share your stories here - or if you are a facebooker become a fan of wccc60/30 challenge and share your stories.

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