The story of Deborah and the other Judges are often filled with bewildering detail, strange characters and even stranger events. We are often left wondering if the example set is one we should follow or one to avoid. Then again, we usually find it hard to identify with the situation they were in and couldn't duplicate it, even if we wanted to!
It says to me, that these were real people who, true to life, had flawed characters and who lived in messy times of often extreme and desperate circumstances. What are we to make of it all then? Through the judges we are primarily to see God persistently at work to bring about his purposes being described as it happened in all the cut and thrust, ups and downs, surprise and uncertainty of life as it often is. As someone said, "God's destination is the same and certain, the path God takes to get there, is always interesting and varied." The path ended with Jesus as the ultimate 'judge' and leader of his people who ensures God's plan is fulfilled.
That plan is the one in which he has included us.
AS Paul says, "... to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good" (Titus 2:14.)"
The work of all the judges was to bring this about and all their efforts and antics were aimed at this one goal.
In this way, I believe it continues to be our job too, in whatever way it falls to us to do it, in all the strange and difficult circumstances we may find ourselves, to make disciples who know and serve God.
So my challenge from Deborah is still the same,
Who are you leading, influencing, impacting for the kingdom?
How might you bring them closer to God
When will you do this?
How can you handle the challenges you are facing?
In humility?
With determination?
What prayer will you offer to God?