Thursday, July 23, 2009

Jesus People

Stare at the center of this picture for 20 secs then look at a wall and blink.

"Christ's whole life in all its aspects must supply the norm for the life of the following Christian and thus for the life of the whole Church." Soren Kierkegaard

Are you living a life following Jesus? What does that mean - if you are a follower of someone then inevitably it means you will look like them. not physically appearance - but the way you think, the way you act, the way you treat others, the attitudes you have Are you being a 'little Jesus' -

Some one said to me this week in talking about the "what would Jesus do" thing Maybe the question we need to ask is "what would I do as Jesus works in and through me?"
we are his image bearers
Do people look at you and see something more? "is that .................(your name) or is that Jesus."

A bit like one of those morphed pictures when it goes form one image to the next at a certain point your not sure who you are looking at?
Is Jesus at the center of your life? Influencing everything you do?

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