Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Sunday Ray preached on the freedom that the spirit brings to our lives. Rules and regulations are not what define us as Christians - rather living Spirit filled lives as the children of the living God is what we should be know as.

How would you answer the question: What does it mean to be a Christian?
What situations are you putting your self in that someone would even ask you this question?

This week we continue to look at the freedom that the Spirit brings to our lives. Have a read of Galatians 5 & 6. Here Paul puts a different spin on the idea of freedom - he says we are free to serve (vs 13).
He speaks about this spirit filled service as 'a command' (5:14), He says this spirit filled life is 'fulfilling the law of Christ'(6:2) and later he speaks about those 'who follow this rule' (6:16).
I thought the spirit brought freedom from all this law stuff?!? What's going on? are we free or are we not???? Are we still under the law?? Come along on Sunday prepared to explore these questions?

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