Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Jesus sends when he ascends.
On Thursday we recall Jesus raised into heaven. His final command becomes the first priority of his awestruck disciples. They await the Holy Spirit to empower them to be his witnesses. Can we keep this task in the forefront of our own thoughts and activities? Many years ago a famous preacher gave us a clue to how.
Ah! if we did but love Christ better, my brothers and sisters, if we lived nearer to the
cross, if we knew more of the value of his blood, if we wept like him over Jerusalem,
if we felt more what it was for souls to perish, and what it was for men to be saved—if
we did but rejoice with Christ in the prospect of his seeing the results of his suffering, and
being abundantly satisfied—if we did but delight more in the divine decree, that the
kingdoms of this world shall be given to Christ, I am sure we would all of us find
more ways and more means for sending forth the gospel of Christ.

Focus on these things this week as you pray to the ascended Christ and ask him to move your heart with what moved his.

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