Extending the kingdom... what to do?
(from the web site of Steve Addison. http://www.steveaddison.net... add it to your bookmarks, some inspiring stuff!)
The epistle of SilasAn emailed prayer update arrived today from a worker under cover in a restricted field. We’ll call him “Silas”. He has avoided overtly Christian terms for security reasons.
CPM = Church planting movement and pr = pray. You should be able to work out the rest.How you can pray
I’ve shared the gospel with a family who live next to our place. They are receptive to me and the message.
Please pr for the HS to work in their hearts for a decision when I meet up with them again.
I’ve passed the Book to a religious store owner, who has passed the Book to his father in another town.
Please pr that HS would open his eyes to the truth
My teacher has asked to hear more about the Message - please pr for opportunity to do so
I prd for another teacher today - she has some problems with her hand. Please pr for healing for her
so that she’ll experience Him.
I shared his testimony and the gospel to a local today, who is interested to get out of the country.
Pr that he’ll come to know the true freedom in Him.
The training with the 2 expat families went well - they are excited with the vision of CPM and are
interested to go deeper with practical hands-on stuff.
The connection with 2 local Xns here - pr for opportunities to share the CPM vision with them.
Pr that we’ll meet people whom the HS is preparing to hear and accept the Message
Thanks for your partnership in this part of the world!
SilasNotice how he works at a variety of levels:
1. He shares the gospel proactively. He is “hands on” in making disciples.
2. He is sharing with the people he encounters every day—neighbours, a language teacher, and “store owner”.
3. He sees his ministry through CPM eyes. He wants to mobilize local and new believers in evangelism and church planting.
4. He is partnering with other workers from different agencies to get the job done.
5. He believes that the Holy Spirit is present guiding him to prepared hearts and touching lives through prayer.
He’s called a “missionary” because he serves cross-culturally, but isn’t he doing what we should all be doing?