Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Easter is here

Easter is on our door steps again for another year. Have you been thinking about it. We are in the time of Lent - which is a 40 day period that remembers the 40 days Jesus fasted in the desert.  People have traditionally fasted during this time in preperation for Easter - the crucial point in the christina calendar.

How are you preparing for easter this year? Are you going to go without something to help you focus on Jesus and his death and ressurection.

In the hustle and bust of the begining of the year - let us now plan to take some time out to focus on Easter.
Why not set a target to read through the different gospel accounts of the easter story. Take some time out to reflect and meditate on these truths.

"finally the disciple who reached the tomb first, also went inside. He saw and believed"  John 20:8

Friday, March 12, 2010

Family Fun

The Wesminster Shorter Chatechisim asks the question "what is the chief end of man?"  and answers, "To glorify God and enjoy Him forever"  

So I have been thinking about that lately - How do I enjoy God in my family? When families work well - they are so enjoyable to be part of.  As a father I continue to ask myself the question of what am I doing to make my family an enjoyable place to be? Is our home characterised by joy, fun and laughter? Is it a place where my children and wife want to be?

What activities or spaces are we creating to have us enjoy eachother and enjoy God together?  For us getting out into nature is one of those places - familiy holidays, where we get away from the routine and enjoy the wonder of creation together.  Playing sport has been another of those - backyard cricket, basketball, tennis are all places where we can enjoy life - recognising who has made it all possible.

Sometimes I think as christian families we can be all a bit serious. Glorifying God in our enjoyment of life as families is an interesting concept to graple with?   How is your family doing this?

Do you enjoy reading and praying together - or is it seen as a drag??   
Do you enjoy church togehter?    Do you talk about it discuss it before, after, during?
Do you enjoy family time together?     Do you invite others in to be part of it?

Remember - "Your family displays God to the world" - how is it Glorifying God??

Friday, March 5, 2010

Life In the family

I am writing you these instructions so that if I am delayed you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God’s household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of truth.      1 Tim 3:14-14

As Paul writes his two letters to Timothy he spells out how people should live in the household of God.
As you read through these two letters I think 3 things become evident:

     1.   Living in the church means protecting the truth of the Gospel of Christ Jesus
     2.   Living in the church means that family units are vitally important
     3.   Living in the church means living a holy and godly life.

Why not have a read through these letters to Timothy and reflect on how you have been living in the Family of Families compared to what Paul instructs Timothy.