Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Reach the lost... is it really that hard?
What stands out for you about the following quote?
"Just a few steps and a friendly hello may be all it takes to change someone's life—and their eternity! And the good news is, it has more to do with taking a genuine interest in another person and listening to their story than it does with learning evangelism tactics and techniques."
(Bill Hybels: "Just Walk across the Room)
It sounds easy, is it true?
Find out this Sunday.
Impacting Others By Sharing Jesus
I came away Sunday impacted again by who Jesus is and what his life on this earth meant. As Andy shared his story about being a Jesus presance in the Scoresby School environment I couldn't help but be inspired to do like wise.
I asked myself the question of who am I impacting?
and what is holding me back?
If Jesus is who he said he was and is alive today why do I doubt?
Sunday reminded me again - My redeemer lives!! I've been set free!!
This should come out in every aspect of my life - who am Impacting today by living in the truth of who Jesus is and who I am because of what he did?
Who are you impacting today??
The boys father exclaimed,
"I do believe help me overcome my unbelief!!" Mark 9:24
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
I will be part of a Community Growing Closer to God by.....
Joining and accountability group
Being more active in my Small Group
Encouraging people in my Small group
Doing some more 1 on 1 visits
Calling my SG leader and encouraging them
Go to my SG mor often
Pray for people in my SG / GG
Inviting people over to our home more often
Writting more encouragement cards
Visiting people more
Seeking to mentore somone
Praying for our church daily
These are some of the things that people in this church have commited to do this year to see their church growing closer to God. I look forward to God working in this body as, "each part does it's work"
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Singing the Victory Songs
Have a read of this in Acts 16:16ff Paul and Silas find them selves in a dark place. In a Roman jail in chains after having been stripped and beaten. It's about midnight - it can't get much darker than this for a follower of Jesus.....
They then do an extraordinary thing: They start singing & praying
I wonder what songs they would have sang?
What prayers they would have prayed?
Songs and Prayers of Victory - Reminding themselves of Who God is &
Who they were!!
In that Dark place - they armoured up & stood firm in their faith - and the power of God brought about more victory - freedom came to them - but even greater, salvation came to the jailer. See the outcomes God brings about as his people stand firm and sing songs and pray prayers of victory.
What songs will you be singing this week?
What prayers will you pray this week?
Though the world is often a dark place - A great light has come
- The SON has risen!!
- Death Sin and the Enemy defeated
What hope we have - and now we begin to turn our attention on the events after Easter as we look toward the coming of the Holy Spirit.
Have a read through Luke 24 this week
and then follow through the events of the first few chapters of Acts
The Story of Easter doesn't finish at the empty tomb.......
It leads us on to the disciples, the church and your and my role... have a read and reflect this week.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Rise Up
Arise, Shine, for your light has come,
the glory of the Lord rises on you.
The whole world is wrapped in darkness and covers the people
BUT the Lord rises on you
and his glory appears over you
Lift up your eyes and look about you...
Then you will look and be radiant
your heart will throb and swell with joy!!! Isaiah 60
Remember that death was the last enemy defeated. So at Easter we remember victory complete. There is nothing to fear - sin & death no longer have hold. Let Nothing Hinder us from - a Risen Life with Christ
Are you daily casting of the burden of sin???
Are you rising up to a life of Joy and peace??
Have you asked for the strength of God to get you through the daily grind with joy?
Have you risen beyond this life and thought what it means to Rise to life beyond the grave?
Rise Up from your fears and Go Out into the light of HOPE that Easter brings.
"cast all your burdens on me & I will give you rest"
Monday, April 6, 2009
look to the cross
What a great service Sunday morning!! to hear the story of God at work in the lives of his people.
As we lead up to Easter - are you setting your eyes on the cross? what Jesus achieved on the cross is what makes it possible for us to be able to testify to a changed life. This week will you fix your eyes on on the Cross and reflect on the things that Christ did there.
This weekend we celebrate the darkest and lightest times on the christian calendar.
Good Friday - where Christ our Savior suffers the torment of hell in our place.
Easter Sunday - the beginning of a victorious life as Jesus conquers death and Satan.
As we finish of our series on Spiritual Warfare - Easter is the most appropriate place to conclude. In light of Easter our position has been assured.
"death has been swallowed up in Victory"
where O death is your victory? where o death is your sting? 1 Cor 15
In light of this Paul says, "stand firm, let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the lord, because you know that your labour in the Lord is not in vain"
Though the war has been won - we must still battle the skirmishes with a defeated enemy
Hebrews 2:14-15 "Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might destroy him who holds the power of death - that is, the devil - and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death"
So Be bold, Be strong, Be alert and stand firm - as we long for the return of our Lord!!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
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