Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Something that helped me

On Sunday I shared how I was affected by evil dreams that led to a fear of satanic or demonic attack. This fear plagued me for a number of years in particular while I was studying. To the point where often I was fearful to be home by myself. This fear of the enemy was becoming far bigger than it should be for a follower of Jesus. Effecting my sleep and attitudes to things.

During this time I often asked my wife to pray for me. At the end of one of our Sunday services I went forward and prayed with Wendy R., she prayed from me in regard to these things and then over a period of the next few months we met a few times and talked, shared scriptures and prayed more. It was during this time that I came to a place where these evil dreams became less and less and my fear of evil and night times by myself have all but dissapeared. I am so thankful to God for the way he answers the prayers of his people and that His strength has removed these fears.

If you are being plagued by evil induced fear I would encourage you to seek someone to pray with you about it. Speak to myself or Wendy or any of the leadership at church - we would love to uphold you in prayer - so these fears my be dispelled by the power of Christs work.

"The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective"

Monday, March 30, 2009

Sunday Reflections

Some things to think on from Sunday

Where are you getting your strength from?

Where are you being tempted to sell out because of fear?

How are you - powering up your armour this week?

Read Ephesians 6:10-20 again - Don't for get to PRAY PRAY PRAY

All the time, with all types, for all the saints!!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


The key to appropriating the armour is prayer. What weaves together the armour and gives it its strength is a dependence of God shown through prayer.

Ephesians 6:18ff and pray in the spirit on all occasions, with all kinds of prayers and requests,...be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints"

Basically Paul is telling us to be in constant pray for every situation for every person. It is this constant connection to God that the christian solider needs to help them stand firm in dark times.

It is this prayer and armour that helps Paul to do his job Fearlessly (vs 19 & 20). In dark times and against a frantic enemy we need to be fearless - It is the assurance of God's armour activated through prayer that gives us the ability to press on fearlessly.
Jesus recognised the need for prayer during dark times. In Luke 22 int Garden of Gethsemane he tells his disciples "Pray that you will not fall into temptation" During dark times we will be under attack - tempted to give up on Jesus, to deny him, to go the easy way out - But FEAR NOT - pray hard - because we have the weaponry of the father covering us.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Taken up your shield?

Here are a few questions to reflect on Sunday's message

If you were the Devil, what scheme would you use to to trip you up? How does this help you understand your own weaknesses?

Do words of doubt, mockery, accusation or threat affect you the most? How has the Devil fired these at you? How do you need to deal with them?

What aspect of the shield (prayer, heart, reply or action) do you need to strengthen most? How will you go about it?

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Who we are!? We are gifted (1.)

An outline of the evening service introducing Spiritual gifts

1. Are the ‘miraculous’ gifts for today?
Our view is open but cautious (yes and no.)

YES! (Open)
1Cor. 12:7. God obviously gifts his children.
1 Cor 13:10-12. Scripture indicates that these things (specifically prophesy, tongues and knowledge) will pass away only, "when perfection comes." The end of time, 'when we shall see clearly."
The progress of salvation history gives no reason for gifts to cease.

NO! (maybe not; cautious)
1Cor. 12:11 1Cor. 12:29
God Sovereignly distributes gifts as HE desires and obviously does not gift everyone equally (even for the asking.) Some gifts have passed, such as an Apostle (as per Acts 1:21) and the ability to write inspired scripture.
God may have seasons when certain gifts are more necessary or times when he distributes them in different proportions. We need to ask, but we cannot demand nor presume God will give as we determine.

How do we practice using the gifts?

1. We seek gifts and provide opportunity for their use in the church (1Cor. 12:31 1Cor. 14:1; 1Cor. 14:26)

2. We test and prove (try and discern) (1Cor. 14:29; 1Th. 5:21)

The proof is in the tasting. Genuine giftedness in any area is discerned in the practice. For example, we do not permit someone to promote themselves into leadership merely on the claim to giftedness. Similarly, those who feel they have a message or word from God need to be open to scrutiny and willing to have it tested. In our context, this will ordinarily happen before it is delivered.

3. We use them in a way that edifies (1Cor. 14:5; 1Cor. 14:27 - 28)

Tongues in a service are not to be spoken unless there is an interpreter. Before a person speaks we need to ask if someone is being led to interpret.

4. With a right attitude (1Cor. 14:1; 1Cor. 14:20)

Love governs gifts and childish attitudes of pride, self importance or demanding we get our own way are out of place and actually diminish a gifts usefulness to the body.


In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Eph. 6:16
In our struggle we are subject to the flaming arrows of the evil one. Paul does not spell out exactly what these are but the 'verbal volleys' continually fired by the enemy throughout our struggle fits the text, context and and picture well. Mockery, accusation, abuse and innuendo are hurled at Christians in order to throw us into confusion and inflict maximum damage.
For example, Psa. 42:10 My bones suffer mortal agony
as my foes taunt me,
saying to me all day long,
“Where is your God?”
We must meet the assault with unflinching faith if they are to loose their effect .
We take up our shield of faith in the following ways.

1. The Prayer of Faith.
When the apostles were confronted with the threats of the leaders they immediately prayed, "Now Lord consider their threats..." (Acts 4:24 -29)
King Hezekiah took the threatening letter from Sennecherib into the temple, laid it before the Lord and cried out to God. (2 Kings 19:14.)
Rather than buckle, in faith we seek God's strength and intervention.

2. The Mind of Faith.
Satan plays 'mind games." His bark is often worse than his bite, but he wins anyway if he can get us jumping at shadows. Rather than allow your inner world to be thrown into chaos, "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus..."
(Heb. 12:2) and "in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord." (1Pet. 3:15)
We need to take time to 'collect our thoughts." We can talk things over with others and seek their perspective. We turn to God's word for truth. When we take control of our inner world, our outer world can also fall into line.

3. The Reply of Faith.
Always be ready to 'give a reason for the hope we have (1 Peter 3:15.)
To the question, "Where is your God?" the response is, "Our God is in heaven and he does as he pleases" (Psalm 115:3.)
To the threats of the leaders to stop preaching the response Peter's response was, "We must obey God rather than men!" (Acts 5:29.)

When threatened with fiery furnace we reply? (see Dan.3:18)
In the reply of faith we stand our ground in God's truth and refuse to move.

4. The Perseverance of Faith
Satan's bottom line is always, 'stop following Christ.'
Refusal to do so is a shield of faith by which our determination extinguishes the fiery dart.
"Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain (
1Cor. 15:58.)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Got your helmet on?

1. Are your frantic activities (work, possessions, fun, sport, sex relationships) nothing more than ways to cope with a deep anxiety over death? (are you serving God or fleeing death?)
2. What does it mean for you to believe that Jesus died in your place? 
3. How are you, today, taking hold of the eternal life to which you were called? 

Monday, March 16, 2009

The Helmet of Salvation

The helmet of salvation is necessary to counter the Devil's use of fear.
Adam and Eve lost their sense of security in God when they disobeyed him and in its place formed a deep feeling of anxiety. In fear they tried to hide from God. 
The Devil exploits fear.
* He keeps us trying to hide from God and to sure up our life through pride, pleasure, possessions and the things of this world. 
* Demonic possession can often be traced back to experiences of fear and trauma  (like abuse.)
* Christians can be made unfruitful 'through the worries of this life.'
* We deny Christ on account of fear (think of Peter sifted by Satan in fear.)
* The Devil's accusations can lead to despair.
The Devil is a bully who works on fear and keeps his victims captive through it.

The Helmet of Salvation is our confidence and assurance that we are saved through the death of Jesus, who tasted death on our behalf (Heb.2:9.) 
We are new creations in Christ and we must put on our new self that is being made to be like Jesus (was Jesus ever afraid or worried?) The Holy Spirit lives who lives in us is stronger than the one who is in the world. He is not a Spirit of timidity, but of power (2 Tim.1:7.) 
We fight the good fight of faith when we take hold of the eternal life to which we have been called (1 Tim.6:12.) We do this when we fix our minds on what Jesus has done for us and live in the promises of God and refuse to be intimidated.
With Paul we say,
I am not ashamed, 
   because  I know whom I have believed, 
   and am convinced that he is able to guard
   what I have entrusted  to him for that day.
    2 Tim.1:12

Fear and the Helmet of Salvation

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Test the helmet of Salvation

The Devil tries to convince those who are saved, that they are not; and those who are not, that they are. 
Thus he can keep us ineffective through sad uncertainty; or by blissful ignorance.
The helmet of salvation is our certainty that we belong to Jesus and are saved.

Answer these simple questions to test yourself whether or not you belong to Jesus. 
Read Romans 10: 8 - 13

1. Do I believe in my heart that Jesus is the Son of God, sent to die for my sin and raised from the grave? 

2. Have I turned to him, calling and asking him to save me?

3. Have I openly confessed him as my Lord and Savior? 

4. Am I following him; living for him and doing what he wants me to do? (see Acts 2:36)

This Sunday we will see how this helmet protects and helps us in our fight of faith.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Questions about Spiritual warfare

Here are two questions I have. Add your thoughts or your own questions in the comments section below.

1. How do people become "possessed" by demons as distinct from just tempted or harassed?

2. Some people seem to see spirits everywhere and say we need to identify and cast them out. Is this true?

Friday, March 6, 2009

Good News In a Bad world

The Bible tells us that we now live in a broken world full of all kinds of disaster and where we have an enemy like a roaring lion, hell bent on our destruction.

In Romans 8, Paul writes: “We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time…we also groan inwardly …as we eagerly wait for our redemption”
Jesus also speaks of “wars and rumours of wars, famines & earthquakes” as the “beginning of birth pains” Mathew 24:8

This week again: Terrorist attacks, more financial gloom, violent weather -We need some Good news!!!

This week as we continue the Spiritual warfare theme we look at "Fitting our feet with the readiness that comes from the Gospel of Peace" - here is some good news.

The Gospel - meaning 'Good News' - is something that will bring peace! Paul picks up the image of Isaiah 52:7 - beautiful feet that bring the good news of salvation. (have a read of a great chapter)
The sandal was part of the Roman soldiers armour that enabled him to stand firm and be sure in the midst of battle defense, BUT it also got him ready to move forward - it gave him the sureness to be offensive.

Paul emphasises this in the word, 'readiness' - the Good news of salvation in Jesus prepares us to move forward into a world that is falling apart - with good news.
This gospel gives us peace in our own heart before God. Romans 5:1 “peace with God through Jesus”
also enables us to be peaceful with those around us. Look at the peace it brings to Jew & Gentile in Eph 2:14-18

The Gospel of peace helps us stand firm in full assurance of our salvation - knowing life on this earth is only short compared with an eternity in perfection - where there will be no more death, mourning or suffering - PERFECT PEACE.

Now our feet are fitted with this good news that others need to hear in a world that seems helpless. Satan doesn't want anyone to hear this good news - he wants people caught up in destruction, depression and hopelessness - Let us be the bearers of HOPE - moving into a broken world with good news.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Breastplate of Righteousness

“Stand firm then... with the breastplate of righteousness in place.
The spiritual battle is fierce and the day of evil can be especially intense (think of Peter’s denial and Job’s suffering.)
Satan’s aim is always to lead us into rebellion (consider Adam and Eve.)
We have been set free from his control in Christ and we need to guard our freedom.
The armor needs to be worked on NOW since you will only stand firm through temptation if you have prepared (“done everything” 6:13) by living a life of righteousness.
Temptation will overtake those who through compromise or indifference slip into sinful habits. An athlete cannot run a marathon unless he trains; or else he will fail miserably on the testing day.
Paul speaks the kind of life we are to live in the following passages
* Eph. 4:23 “.... put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.”
* Eph. 5:1 Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love,
* Eph. 5:8 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth)

Joseph showed how to put on the armor of God when he stood firm against temptation, being aware of God and saying, “How then could I do such a wicked thing and sin against God?” (Gen. 39:9.)
On the day of evil Joseph gives and example of how to stand firm.
1. Resist. He said ‘NO!” Joseph refused Potiphar’s wife’s temptation. “Speak to the hand.”
2. Don’t go there: He refused even to be with her. Don’t go to places and situations where you will be tempted till you are strong enough to stand.
3. Flee. When cornered he ran from the situation. Don’t stay where you will be tempted.

In this way we can resist the Devil knowing that Jesus has conquered him and that if we resist the devil he will flee.